This story follows Cecelia as she navigates life while being forced to live and work for her father for a year in small town Triple Falls. The story starts with a future Cecelia breaking off her engagement and going back to said town to deal with her ghosts that she can’t seem to run away from. This is part of a duet and the story you get here is Cecelias past and the relationships that had developed while living in Triple falls. You get to meet Sean (who is my fave out of every characters in this duet) and Dominic his roommate.
This is a dark romance that deals with heartbreak and unconventional love. I was so engrossed in this story and thankfully the duet was finished when I read it so I wasn’t waiting in agony over the ending of this first book.
If you’re down for a gut wrenching read i really enjoyed this book!
18+ Read
Another book done, another story told.
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